Can you believe anything Douglas Haney says?

“Citizen” Doug Haney wrote the following Letter to the Editor:

This question is asked because he is making accusations about something that occurred 3 years ago.

Why did Haney wait to report it? Certainly, any competent counsel would have at the very least counseled the Mayor that there was a tremendous risk to the City if  there was a romantic relationship.

Further what does that say about the Mayor that he (Jim Brainard) didn’t report it?  Based on current community standards, as stated so succinctly below, waiting 3 years in the public’s eyes makes Brainard and Haney both guilty of lying.

After all what is good for the goose is good for the gander. You cannot have it both ways Mayor Brainard and Mr. Haney.  If a 3 year delay in Christine Pauley’s reporting makes her statements suspect it does the same to your claims. You seem to be trying to have it both ways.

Let’s look at “citizen” Haney’s motivation.

Please note that he included his title as: “Douglas Haney, Carmel, City of Carmel corporation counsel” twice in his letter.  So much for ‘Citizen Haney’.

If Jim Brainard were to lose his job, Haney would have a 0% chance of retaining his current job with the City of Carmel, so he gets his cheese moved and has to take a real job. So he has a 100% loss of income, and a lot of income at that at $170,285/year to Gain or Lose, or $681,140 over 4 years.


What does Christine Pauley have to gain or lose?

She has everything to lose and nothing to gain.


When is Jim Brainard going to exhibit a fraction of the courage that has been shown by Ms. Pauley and finally appear on camera?

It’s been a week Mayor Brainard, not that anyone is keeping count or anything.  Are you going to defend yourself?  We understand why you don’t.

Your emails cannot be denied!

April 28, 2019

As if the stench from this wasn’t bad enough today (April 28, 2019) Henry Mestetsky releases a fresh attack on Christine Pauley. Asserting things he could not possibly know to be true and making claims that are conjecture at best. Henry, one thing is certain. You are 100% dependent on Jim Brainard for your income.




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